Confluence nr. 2 ~ hosted by NAC, NIDA on the Curonian Spit in Lithuania. December 3 till 13, 2024
Confluence#2 ~ December 3 till 13, 2024 ~
Scroll for Protocols, Practicalities and Planetary Campus Crew present on the ground.
For Confluence #2 DAI returns to the warm and welcoming premises of NAC in Nida, located on a remarkable small strip of land, wedged in between the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. Here we (students, tutors, guests) are to contribute to the defining four curriculum components of our program and the conversations, discussions and movements extending within, around and beyond them.
We welcome our How To Do Things With Theory tutors for two full days of seminars and writing classes; Mayra A. Rodríguez Castro, Dr.Ana Teixeira Pinto, Dr.Amit S. Rai, Dr. Ghalya Saadawi, Dr. Grant Watson and Dr. Hypatia Vourloumis. HTDTWT's education leader is Dina A. Mohamed.
Seven COOP tutorial teams and their guests join us for 3 full days of collaborative study and practice; Noor Abuarafeh, Marwa Arsanios, Leo Asemota, Frédérique Bergholtz, Marina Christodoulidou, Jurga Daubaraitė, Leon Filter, Samira Ghoualmia, Aziza Harmel, Egija Inzule, Marie Kølbæk Iversen, Mokia Dinnyuy Manjoh, Harun Morrison, Dr.Snejanka Mihaylova, Dr.Leire Vergara & Jonas Žukauskas. Remote contributions by: Chiara Cartuccia, Alessandra Ferrini, Chiara Figone, Dalia Taha & Haytham el-Wardany COOP's leader is Flip Driest.
For the COOPs of the academic year 2024-2025 we are teaming up with: De Appel Amsterdam (Amsterdam), Archive Ensemble (Berlin, Dakar, Milan), Bulegoa z/b (Bilbao), If I Can't Dance I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution (Amsterdam), Hosting Lands (Copenhagen), Neringa Forest Architecture (Nida) and SAVVY Contemporary (Berlin).
This iteration of the KITCHEN brings our esteemed guests Ashkan Sepahvand & Edwin Nasr in a choreographed conversation with 24 student presenters. The Kitchen is convened by DAI's artistic director Gabriëlle Schleijpen, with Peter Sattler as production supervisor, while Elisa Giuliano will join us in Nida to further engage on a series face to face conversations with 2nd year presenters. The Kitchen invited its guest respondent Edwin Nasr to present our Palestine Teach Out#6.
WEAVER offers a beautifully wild compilation of mostly student led classes, but for the first time also Sophia Zbinovsky Braddel's food research laboratory 'How To Cook Things While Roaming'-part 1.Weaver's education leader is Nikos Doulos.
HTDTWT, COOP, KITCHEN and WEAVER, and their specific thematic propositions for the current academic year are elaborately introduced by means of our Syllabus 2024-2025
TUESDAY December 3
WEDNESDAY December 4
THURSDAY December 5
FRIDAY December 6
including KITCHEN in the morning, WEAVER in the afternoon
and Palestine Teach Out#6 in the evening.
SATURDAY December 7
SUNDAY December 8
MONDAY December 9
TUESDAY December 10
WEDNESDAY December 11
THURSDAY December 12
FRIDAY December 13
DAI's Code of Conduct for Staff-Student Contacts
NAC (Nida Art Colony): A. Jonušo str. 3 Neringa LT-93127
Practical info and some agreements at NAC
Where and what in Nida and Neringa
Planetary Campus Crew
~present in Nida to make it all possible:
*Senior co-ordinator logistics & production Roaming Academy | emergency response certificate holder: Jacq van der Spek and hospitality manager Kastė Šeškevičiūtė for a large part of this year to be assisted by Iliada Charalambous.
*Senior production leader Roaming Academy & facilitator technical support to students and tutors: Peter Sattler.
*Culinary care from dusk till dawn by our 'chef de cuisine' Sophia Zbinovsky Braddel in close collaboration with Rowan Beasley and Alicja Jurasińska.
* Archival & tech assistant Georgia Stellin
The NAC crew present in Nida: Egija Inzule, director, Vasilisa Filatova, administrator, Gabija Naikaustkaitė, administrator, Nomeda Bepirštytė, administrator, Valentinas Kuznecovas, housekeeper, Dalia Jokūbauskaitė, Tetiana Volosiuk & Oksana Kripanova, janitors.
We are delighted to know that our admissions coordinator Marika Vandekraats is present in Nida as a guest resident at NAC and we look forward to welcome her as auditor to our Kitchen and more.
Back Office (not in Nida): our travel agent Monique Hemmink (Hemminkways), Friends & Family booklets, student pages & more: Ricardo Liong-A-Kong, house style and communication designers Lauren Alexander & Hanna Rullmann and last but not least our bookkeeper Corine van der Wal.
Please consult our Crew-webpage for a more complete overview and more info about the division of tasks.