
We believe that, by roaming this website, you will be able to find, if not all, in any case a lot of information about our program; past, present and future. We hope that we have structured this information in an accessible way. Naturally you may be left with some questions and thoughts that do not fall easily into a category. To honor that refusal we have created this page. Feel free to feed us with more of such questions (but only after you have checked the entire website:)). 


IN A NUTSHELL; where can I find a helpful introduction to all things DAI from a student perspective ? 

Is there 'Life after DAI' ? Who and where are your alumni?

What is it to study when your practice cannot be defined by only one particular discipline?

Where do DAI-students actually reside? 

Do you have an Open Day ? Why not, and what are other possibilities to visit you during DAI Confluences ?

Is there a program introduction by means of moving images ?


When will you open the MA Admissions Trajectory for 2025-2027 ?

Am I eligible to apply to this program: what are DAI's admission requirements ?

What happens after I have filed my application (within the given deadline)?

How to proceed if I've been accepted and invited to enroll? 


Do you offer an accredited MA? 

What are the intended Final Qualifications (Competencies)? 

What is the institutional framework of this program?

How, in 2024-2025 is the DAI embedded in the ArtEZ University of the Arts governance structure and how is participation in decision making organised ?