Institutional Framework

tag: Arnhem


The Dutch Art Institute a.k.a. DAI Roaming Academy a.k.a. DAI Art Praxis offers an MA at the intersections of art (as a broad spectrum of practices) and theory, embedded in a critical research culture, expressed through a wealth of curated public events, with study by means of performance, reading, writing, voicing, making, listening, curating, commoning & conviviality as our modus operandi.

Formally DAI is affiliated with the ArtEZ University of the Arts. The executive board of the university at large is accountable for all incoming and outgoing money flows, as well as responsible for annual decisionmaking around the height of the institutional tuition fees and the division of budgets. The ArtEZ board steers the basic framework for the Exam Regulations and the Student Charter. They are furthermore reponsible for the official registration of the programs in the national CROHO (Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs) and their official accreditation by the NVAO (the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders)

In a direct line with the executive board the centralized Services Company (Servicebedrijf) of the ArtEZ University of the Arts with its several branches is there to facilitate and support the different academies and programs. Read more about the specifics of the service provided by these various branches in relation to DAI's program.

The Central Exam Committee is not part of the Service Company and has a semi-independent status withiun ArtEZ and exercises control by means of the The Course and Examination Regulation (OER). All formalities around DAI's study-trajectory (from admission to graduation) are fixed within these regulations. 


How, in 2024-2025 is the DAI embedded in the ArtEZ University of the Arts governance structure and how is participation in decision making organised ? 

DAI as Degree Program: what is its official status?

Where can I find a student led assessment of the DAI? 

Since when (and how and where) does the DAI exist?