

DAI's MA in Art Praxis study trajectory offers 4 distinctive curriculum components. The students are required to take part in all 4 of them:

1.COOP study groups

2. How To do Things With Theory = described on this page




How To Do Things With Theory (HTDTWT)

HTDTWT is the curriculum component that offers lattitude to DAI. Here, in a variety of ways, critical theory is categorically fostered.

How To Do Things With Theory Education Leader is Florian Göttke. Students and tutors direct all their questions in regard to the modus operandi of this curruculum component to him. 

The HTDTWT seminars presented by the DAI in previous years are listed under the bio's of each the tutors or can be found under CONTINUUM: Chrono~archive .

HTDTWT ~ Formal Framework: 

HTDTWT formal framework HTDTWT 2023-2024 

HTDTWT ~ Curatorial Framework: