Rights, Care, Support
"When we are loving we openly and honestly express care, affection, responsibility, respect, commitment, and trust. Definitions are vital starting points for the imagination. What we cannot imagine cannot come into being. A good definition marks our starting point and lets us know where we want to end up. As we move toward our desired destination we chart the journey, creating a map. We need a map to guide us on our journey to love - starting with the place where we know what we mean when we speak of love." - bell hooks
“The beauty of anti-racism is that you don’t have to pretend to be free of racism to be an anti-racist. Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including in yourself. And it’s the only way forward.” - Ijeoma Oluo.
“Care is the antidote to violence.” -
“Live as if you were already free.” - David Graeber
DAI: How To Live Together Under A Roving Roof ?
Our genderful program takes a firm stand against anti-Blackness, anti-Semitism, Zionist, anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic, anti-Romani, anti-Indigenous, and all other manifestations of racial, ethnic, religious, nationalist, colonial, class-based, cultural, ableist, ageist, neurotypical, patriarchical, misogynist, trans-phobic and in general hetero-normative prejudice, intolerance and oppression; openly or latent, from person to person as well as systemic and institutional.
It takes work to understand how Eurocentrism, male as well as white privileges continue to shape power structures, our relations, and how we behave: in so many places and institutions around us; and yes, ALSO at the DAI ~ even though all of us try hard to educate ourselves and to break away from harmful, ingrained patterns, we must accept that there is still so much more work to be done on all levels. And be committed to that work (to which studying whiteness is particularly crucial).
Our living and studying together at a Dutch governement funded, formal educational institution begins with the acknowledgement that the current national wealth of the Netherlands is accumulated upon the profits made by the Dutch colonial empire (centuries of theft of goods and resources in tandem with slave trade and indentured labour, through violent oppression by companies, royalty and politicians, executed by bureaucrats, military and police).
That said: our capacity to convivially live and study together, in the here and now, as people coming from differently wired historical and geo-political constellations, is based upon the principle that we should never automatically conflate someones formal nationality with support for the politics of the state that issued their passport: we are not our governments and our governments can not speak in our names.
To become the truly intersectional program we all dream of, we must never stop listening and always think introspectively through the complex, cumulative ways in which divergent forms of discrimination impact the wellbeing of distinct members of our student body, our crew and faculty, ourselves.
So, yes: we do embrace complexity to allow for deeper understandings of diverse contexts, histories and narratives. We are, concurrently, unequivocal with our policy of zero tolerance toward bigotry and discrimination.
Supportive thinking space
In 2022 the DAI launched In-space, a supportive thinking space to reflect on issues around your own and others’ experiences as a member of the DAI community. This is an organic process where all students can explore their concerns about race, gender, sexuality, mental health, culture and beyond. In-space is confidentially guided by Wanderley Santos.
DAI Awareness Document
The DAI Awareness Document is an important text crafted in 2016 by larose (DAI, 2017), Joy Mariama Smith (DAI, 2017) and Sebastian De Line (DAI, 2016), which has been guiding us till this very day.
Read it with care: The DAI Awareness Document
DAI aims for non-oppressive student-staff relations.
DAI's Code of Conduct: Staff-Student Contacts
Other protocols
Contact Protocol for Students 2024 - 2025
The DAI's Covid-19 and Influenza Protocol
COUNCIL - DAI's consultative student body
The rights and obligations that apply if you are enrolled as a student at the overriding ArtEZ University of the Arts are to be found here:
If you want to know how, in 2022-2023 the DAI is embedded in the governance framework of the overriding ArtEZ University of the Arts and how student participation in decision-making is organised both at the level of ArtEZ as well as the DAI, you should read this page .
All students enrolled at ArtEZ University of the Arts (including DAI students) are entitled make use of these support services:
- For a full overview the support by the overriding university we refer to the ArtEZ website: https://www.artez.nl/en/home# We have made a selection for you:
- The student counsellors of ArtEZ are there for you to discuss various topics in confidence, be it your study progress, other study issues or questions of a personal nature. Meet: Nicoline Lodeweges.
- The ArtEZ Student Counsellors are also intermediaries for students with a study impairment, such as a disability.
- Do you suffer from mental problems that hinder your studies? ArtEZ's student psychologists offer various types of counselling for free ~ including online counselling ! READ MORE
- External Confidential counsellor for all students at the ArtEZ University of the Arts:
Go to the confidential counsellor page for more information. ArtEZ has a Complaints Committee for Undesirable Behaviour, which investigates complaints. The student counsellors and intermediaries can tell you more about this.
Support and facilities for students dealing with special circumstances
- ArtEZ offers access to anonymous and independent training sessions. You can choose from over 60 training sessions in the field of mental resilience. Gezondeboel offers a safe and clear online platform where you can find training sessions to get started independently and anonymously. The offering varies from (corona-related) stress to happiness, fatigue to learning to plan and everything in between. Think of mindfulness, lifestyle, happiness, relaxation or fear of failure. The training sessions consist of psychoeducation, interactive exercises, accompanying videos, practical examples, and more. The platform offers two types of training: self-contained training and supervised training ('blended care’). English-language training courses are also available. You simply log in with your ArtEZ account and can get started right away: https://gezondeboel.artez.nl
- If you want to join forces with other students within the larger university, Hungry, Angry, Late and Tired, HALT for short, is a student initiative committed to improving intersectional inclusivity within ArtEZ. HALT wants to bridge the gap between students of marginalised groups and the board of ArtEZ. Contact: HALT@ArtEZ.nl https://www.instagram.com/hungryangrylateandtired / https://www.facebook.com/HaltArtEZ/
Landing in the Netherlands, and in urgent need of practical information & info on cultural etiquette (for better or for worse):
DAI's Quick Arrival Guide for International Students - an invaluable SUPER GUIDE, entirely written by DAI students and alumni and crew for incoming DAI students.
+31 MAG.nl ~The Netherlands, an outsiders view - a multicultural European project of citizen journalism that produces and promotes quality grassroots news. Texts in Italian and in English.
Information by immigration lawyers on studying (and staying) in the Netherlands.
If you are in the Netherlands and in need of support or advice (from an external party) or about your rights as a student or as a refugee student :
- The LSVb is the advocacy organization/student union for all students in the Netherlands, dedicated to better and affordable education, better and affordable housing, more involvement for students and good study counselling and guidance.
- The UAF has been providing support to refugee students and professionals in their studies and in finding suitable employment on the Dutch labour market since 1948.
- Platform BK researches the role of art in (Dutch) society and takes action for a better art policy, representing artists, curators, designers, critics and other cultural producers.
Franssen Advocaten believe in the importance of a citizen’s right to proper legal representation against powerful government offices such as the IND (Immigration and Naturalization Service), especially when fundamental human rights are in jeopardy.
Prakken d'Oliveira, formerly known as Böhler, is a law firm with expertise and experience in asylum and immigration law, European law, administrative law, international criminal law and human rights. Our lawyers provide advice and conduct procedures before the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), the Dutch Review Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services (CTIVD), the District- and Appeals courts, the Administrative Law Division of the Dutch Council of State, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ), the Human Rights Treaty Bodies of the United Nations (UN), the International Criminal Court (ICC), and other international tribunals.
SALWA is a platform that aims to diversify the cultural landscape by amplifying the many urgent and passionate voices of artists and makers who are new to the Netherlands.
If you are in the Netherlands and in need of (urgent)support, solidarity or advice your personal situation, here are some addresses and links:
Emergency: call 112
112 is a common INTERNATIONAL emergency telephone number that can be dialed free of charge from most mobile telephones. More information.
Dutch organisation for suicide prevention: call 113
or call free 0800-0113
line open 24/7
- Visit www.113.nl, anonymous and confidential
discuss things with one of the psychologists
take an online therapy course
do the self-test
General introduction to Dutch Healthcare / General Practioners:
The GP is your first contact in The Netherlands, even if you would prefer to see a specialist. The GP will assess your symptoms and give you a referral to a specialist if they deem It necessary. The GPs have experience with a wide range of symptoms and treatments. It’s always a good idea to invest in a strong relationship with your GP and explain any personal or cultural concerns you have so they can support you. READ MORE
A New Culture of Accessibility ~ a text by Staci Bu Shea and Mira Thompson.
Article in Dutch Review: How inclusive is the Netherlands for people living with disabilities?
Undesirable behaviour & sexual assault:
The central, collective disclosure office for undesirable behaviour in the performing arts, film and television sectors: https://mores.online/en/who-is-it-for/ This office and the confidential advisors are independent. It was initiated by various organisations in the performing arts, film and television sectors and is for everyone working in these sectors.
For urgent help: Sexual Assault Center can be reached 24/7: phone 0800-0188
Roze in Blauw (Pink in Blue) - national network within the Dutch Police Force - which supports LGBTQ+ when filing a complaint in relation to discrimination and violence in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation(website only in Dutch, but English no problem when contacting). In urgent matters always call the alarm number 112 first !!!
ENGAGEMENT ARTS NL is a not-for-profit organization addressing gender-based violence, sexism, discrimination and abuse of power in the Dutch arts and design field. It was founded out of the urgency to establish support and create a safer space within the arts.
Women & LGBTQ+:
COC Netherlands is an organization advocating for the rights of lesbian women, gay men, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT’s) since 1946. COC strives for the decriminalization of sexual orientation and gender identity and for equal rights, emancipation and social acceptance of LGBT’s in the Netherlands and all over the world. COC is one of the few LGBT organizations that has a special consultative status with the United Nations.
Veilig Thuis (Safe Home) is the national network of Safe Homes, it can help if you need to report or ask for support in case of domestic violence and child abuse, for help yourself or if you are concerned about someone else. Whether you have questions and suspicions or are sure. You can call Safe Home on 0800 2000 or chat with one of the Safe Home employees during office hours via the Safe Home website.
Atria, a Dutch Institute on gender equality and women's history, collects, manages and shares the heritage of women and, on the basis of research and facts, promotes equal treatment of women and men in all diversity.
Stichting Colored Qollective is a Dutch organisation that focuses specifically on the position and safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual people of colour (referred to as LGBTQIA+). They organise monthly 'safe space meetings' in the form of group meetings and social events. In addition, they offer a physical, safe place for people who (may) experience multiple forms of exclusion and oppression.
Transgender Info is a community-run website (here the link to the English version) facilitated by the advocacy organisation Transgender Netwerk Nederland.
Transgender Netwerk Nederland (this website is only in Dutch).
Trans United Europe ( including information about the organisation's trans-led clinic in Amsterdam)
Mama Cash supports women, girls, trans people and intersex people who fight for their rights.
Bi+ website (in Dutch).
Queer Moslims: website (in Dutch)
The Dutch Homo-Emancipation Policy and its Silencing Effects on Queer Muslims: research paper
Reproductive rights and abortion:
* in the Netherlands - official governement site
*direct help, anywhere: Women On Web
If you think you’ve been discriminated against, you can file a report of this incident. RADAR is an independent anti-discrimination agency that fights any form of discrimination. Report discrimination.
Report discrimination - official governement site
European Network Against Racism
Kick Out Zwarte Piet (KOZP) is a Dutch activist organization that campaigns against the Zwarte Piet character (in English: Black Pete, or Black Peter) in the culture of the Low Countries. Zwarte Piet is traditionally part of the annual Christian feast of Sinterklaasavond (in English: "St. Nicholas' Eve") in the Netherlands, Belgium and the Dutch diaspora on the evening of 5 or 6 December.
Wikipedia about Kick Out Zwarte Piet
The Black Archives is a unique historical archive for inspiring conversations, activities and literature from Black and other perspectives that are often overlooked elsewhere. The Black Archives documents the history of black emancipation movements and individuals in the Netherlands.
Nederland wordt beter ( The Netherlands are improving / getting better ~ Dutch & English website )
The Colour White Dutch filmmaker Sunny Bergman looks into what it means to have white privilege. And she wonders: why are white people so "fragile" when it comes to discussing race and racism? (with English subtitles).
Control Alt Delete: Dutch organization active against ethnic profiling (website in Dutch only).
Erev Rav is an Antizionist Jewish Collective based in the Netherlands. At this time, more information about our views and activity can be found on our instagram page and on our twitter.
Een Ander Joods Geluid (A Different Jewish Voice) wants to get rid of the taboo that Jews should not criticize Israel and that they do not accept this from non-Jews as well. Een Ander Joods Geluid wants to get to the point that critical voices both within and outside Jewish circles can be heard without immediately being labeled as ‘anti-Israel’. See also this page on DAI's website: https://dutchartinstitute.eu/page/16277/dai-condemns-the-brutal-israeli-assaults-against-the-palestinians-and
Asians in the Netherlands; the hidden discrimination
mãi mãi collective ~ Vietnamese Collective (Re)connecting To Our Roots
ONSbank is an initiative by a group of artists, musicians and sports people, aiming to support Dutch-speaking young people (till 27) with problematic (official) debts by coaching them towards a debt-free future (no costs involved). Website in Dutch language. https://www.onsbank.nl
Student Welfare Fund:
The Student Welfare Fund is part of the student well-insured health insurance, founded by the Intercity Student Consultation (ISO) and the National Student Union (LSVb). The aim of the fund is to improve the physical and mental well-being of students in a broad sense. The Student Welfare Fund finances projects that contribute to this. https://studentenwelzijnfonds.nl
Transcultural psychiatry and therapy:
i-psy: specialists in intercultural psychiatry
Expertisecentrum Transculturele Therapie (website only in Dutch, but English should be no problem when contacting)
ARQ National Pyschotrauma Centre:
is a group of Dutch based institutions and organizations engaged on the impact of overwhelming events and psychotrauma. https://www.arq.org/en/about-us
Addiction Care:
Alcoholics Anonymous https://aa-netherlands.org. AA helpline: 020 - 625 60 57
Drugs in the Netherlands - official governement site
Public warning sirens:
PLEASE DO NOT GET UPSET WHEN YOU SUDDENLY HEAR THIS: all over the Netherlands, the public warning sirens are tested at exactly 12.00 noon on the first Monday of every month. The siren sounds for 1 minute and 26 seconds without interruption. This is only a test signal so there is nothing to worry about. Government information about this. See also Siren, an artistic research project by Fotini Gouseti (DAI, 2013).