Sebastian De Line

Dr. Sebastian De Line is an artist, scholar, and Associate Curator, Care & Relations at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre and Adjunct Professor at Queen’s University. Their academic research focuses on a critique of capitalist values and economies that transform agential Indigenous, Black, and racialized ancestors into labouring “objects” of extraction, accumulation and consumption determined by acquisition criteria within museum collections. Publications include the Journal of Visual Culture and Künste dekolonisieren: Ästhetische Praktiken des Lernens und Verlernens (Brill). Sebastian is currently preparing their doctoral dissertation into a book manuscript, entitled, Postmortem Economies in Art: The Carceral Value and Unrested Labour of Ensouled Museum Collections.


Sebastian De Line is a member of the DAI's Admission Committee. In 2019 they contributed with an intervention and a lecture to the DAI's Roaming Assembly#24 ~ Opaque Justice: A Dialectics of Rerouting.

Excerpt from Sebastian De Line's 20 minute presentation Dear Louise, there's a heat wave in Athens and the streets are bare  for Speaking Without Thumbs -  in Arnhem, July 2016.

Learn more about Sebastian De Line’s written MA thesis (DAI, 2016): Natura Interrupta: Beyond Nation State and the Island of Biogea

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