Where and what in Nida and Neringa

(created: October 2021)

Upon arrival you should find the fastest way to the sea (7 mins) or Parnidis dune (7 mins) Parnidis dune. 

Important: You can walk to the border along the beach. Be careful and switch off “automatic network selection” on your phone as you can drift in to the Russian network = for EU phones expensive roaming. Crossing the border and being caught by Lithuanian border patrol costs 40€ and around 3h at the border station. Crossing the strict reserve territory that is located in front of the border area (accessible from the dunes and forest) costs 90€ and should not be done to keep peace to the animals living there.

Nida Ethnographic Cemetery, Pamario g. 43, Nida; http://visitneringa.com/en/ka-pamatyti/nidos-etnografines-kapines-ir-krikstai/

Visit Neringa and Curonian Spit National Park websites for further information on the region.

On mainland, very interesting point to visit is Auktumala Highmoor of the Nemunas Delta Regional Park. Drained during the times of Prussia in 19th century, the swamp is undergoing the complicated process of denaturalization.page3image63489920

Nida fisherman's ethnographic homestead, Naglių st. 4, Nida; https://www.neringosmuziejai.lt/en/

Curonian Spit History Museum, Pamario g. 53, Nida; https://www.neringosmuziejai.lt/en/page3image63493760 page3image63501824

Thomas Mann Memorial Museum, Skruzdynės st. 17, Nida; https://www.neringosmuziejai.lt/en/

Heron and cormorant colony in Juodkrante; https://visitneringa.com/en/ka-pamatyti/garniu-ir-kormoranu-kolonija/

Eduardas Jonušas House, just next to NAC, visit upon appointment; https://visitneringa.com/lt/ka-pamatyti/eduardo- jonuso-namai/

Dead dunes, Nagliai Nature Reserve, between Nida and Juodkrante.

Bars and Restaurants in Nida

As from October most of the bars and restaurants are closed.

These are open Thursday – Sunday (double check before):

Nice fish restaurant: Fisheria, Taikos g. 5

Smoked fish beer garden: Pas Joną, Naglių g. 6-1

Malkine, wood fire pizzeria at the harbor: Mon, Tue 12–20; Sat, Sun 12–21

Open throughout the year daily:

Local bakery „Gardumėlis“, Pamario g. 3

Kursis, next to Maxima (heavy meat and potatoes so-called traditional food), Naglių g. 29 Caffeine (coffee shop chain), Taikos g. 5

Vero Café (coffee shop chain), Naglių g. 31A