Leire Vergara

Leire Vergara is an independent curator, researcher and member of Bulegoa z/b, an office for art & knowledge based in Bilbao created around a common interest in processes of historization, cultural translation, performativity, the body, postcolonialism, social theory, archival strategies and education.

She has curated several public programmes and exhibitions such as The Recurring Images, MACBA, Barcelona 2017 (with Pablo Martínez), The Papers of Exhibition (1977-2017), Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao 2016-ongoing (with Beatriz Cavia, Isabel de Naverán and Miren Jaio), Black or White Screen: The Power of Seeing Images Together CA2M, Madrid 2016, Dispositifs of Touching: Curatorial Imagination in the Time of Expanded Borders Trankat, Tétouan 2015, EL CONTRATO Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao 2013-2015 (with Beatriz Cavia, Isabel de Naverán and Miren Jaio), Form and Meaning Musac, León 2012-2014, Materiality (with Ines Moreira, Arne Hendriks and Aneta Szylak) Alternativa Wyspa Institute, Gdanks 2012.

Vergara has worked as chief curator at Sala Rekalde, Bilbao 2006-2009 and as co-director of D.A.E. Donostia-San Sebastián 2002-2005 (with Peio Aguirre). She has contributed as writer in art and cultural magazines, catalogues and artists’ books.

Leire Vergara holds a PhD in (Curatorial/Knowledge) Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths College, University of London.


Leire Vergara @DAI:

2024-2025 COOP study group ~ Curating Positions: Voz de Tierra

2023-2024 COOP study group ~ Curating Positions: Stream of consciousness: between collective filmmaking and anarchist thought

2022-2023 COOP study group ~ Curating Positions: A cut through the screen

2021-2022 COOP study group ~ Curating Positions: Nostalgia for the light*: Struggles’ Reverberations in Cinema

2020-2021 COOP study group ~ Curating Positions: Bodies and Antibodies in Cinema

2019-2020 COOP study group: Curating Positions: Location In Reverse- Care For a Place Through the Cinematic Lens

2019 ~ Babel/New Babylon. Forms of Education and Architecture that Exile Returns ~Roaming Assembly#23 convened by Leire Vergara and Pedro G.Romero.

2018 - 2019: DAI Roaming Academy takes part in the Bauhaus centenary festival School FUNDAMENTAL in Dessau and contributes with the workshop and small publication "We Eat Circles And Drink Squares. Unfolding 1"

2018-2019 The Factory: The Art's Room

2018-2019 COOP study group: Curating Positions: Logics of Montage. In Between the Cinematic Apparatus and the Exhibition

2017 ~ ROAMING ASSEMBLY #14 ~ Towards Entangled Modes of Becoming More ~ convened by Emily Pethick and Leire Vergara

2017-2018 COOP study group: Curating Positions: Practising Organisation Under Present Conditions