2024 AEROPONIC ACTS ~ Chameleon Orbit

Dutch Art Institute & Centrale Fies invite you to the   

AEROPONIC ACTS 2024: Chameleon Orbit

38 conversations-in-a-form.

Each act of 20 minutes offers a question as a practice of engagement. 

Esteemed guest-respondents

Ramon Amaro

Inti Guerrero

Antonia Majaca 

will mesh with the questions and offer their improvised, spoken reflections to help the audience think through what is embodied and proposed.

The AEROPONIC ACTS 2024 will be anchored by their curators: 

Giulia Crispiani

Elisa Giuliano

AERPONIC ACTS 2024 ~ Chameleon Orbit


For the laws of gravity to be rewritten, for dark energy to be materialized, we ask how many stars a galaxy can form in a day. Particles in orbit may touch you and rotate elsewhere to touch others. Our collective body spins and camouflages. In disguise at first, to be perceived as new immediately after ~ as it absorbs the light in a myriad of color combinations. With stereoscopic vision, our eyes move outward in correspondence.

Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams

Red, black, white, green, red, black, white, green

Everyday is like survival
You’re my lover, not my rival

We resist and rename systems; stronger gravity by means of proximity, cosmologies to weaken all the constraints of cyclical histories; to dream liberation and the fall of empires


Thursday, AUGUST 1st

Instagram Live Stream: @aeroponic_acts_live


10:10 – TURBINE 1 | Louis Schou-Hansen


10:50 – TURBINE 2 | Federica Nicastro

Softer, it crumbles

11:30 – TURBINE 1 | Anastasia Nefedova

Tales Heard in the Chronicles of Light when Transmissions Whispered Our Stories

12:10 – GARDEN | Valeria Moro

from the hips

13:00  LUNCH

14:30 – TURBINE 2 | Baoxin Liao (Bobo)

恍 Sinekdoĥo

15:10 – COMANDO | Evija Kristopane

Forget me not

15:50 – TURBINE 1 | Ian Nolan

From Turning to Becoming: laments for shattered worlds

16:30 BREAK

17:00 – TURBINE 1 | Francesca Pionati


17:40 – COMANDO | Savva Dudin

angelic materialists were well aware of that

18:20 – TURBINE 1 | Rex Collins


19:30 DINNER


Friday, AUGUST 2nd

Instagram Live Stream: @aeroponic_acts_live

11:00 – TURBINE 1 | WELCOME 

11:10 – TURBINE 1 | Celeste Perret

toilet is the techno project

11:50 – COMANDO | Tomer Fruchter

KORBANOT – An act of faith

12:30 – TURBINE 1 | Noam Youngrak Son

The School of Speculation

13:10 LUNCH

14:30 – COMANDO | Gamze Öztürk

A dream I had several decades afterwards of vivid reds and warm heads

15:10 – TURBINE 1 | Yi-Hong Wang (Hong)

(This Page Intentionally Left Blank)

15:50 – COMANDO | Sille Kima

All sun quiet down, all light pass through you

16:30 BREAK

17:00 – TURBINE 1 | Cristina Ramos González

The Undercurrents

17:40 – TURBINE 2 | Astrée Duval


18:20 – OUTSIDE | Elif Cadoux

répétition, rehearsal

19:30 DINNER


Saturday, AUGUST 3rd

Instagram Live Stream: @aeroponic_acts_live


11:10 – TURBINE 1 | Tereza Dvořáková

Where the Sun sets

11:50 – TURBINE 1 | Stephen McEvoy

Sonic Romanticism

12:30 – TURBINE 1 | Daniël van der Giessen

Lectio Divina: A Divine Reading in Four Acts

13:10  LUNCH

14:30 – TURBINE 2 | Meii Soh

FurStation: Towards immortality

15:10 – COMANDO | Lena Pfäffli

There For The Taking

15:50 –  TURBINE 1 | Gabriel Acevedo

What now?

16:30 BREAK

17:00 – COMANDO | Gloria Sogl

What weave if remembrance is the woof and forgetting the warp?

17:40 – TURBINE 2 | Julia von Schantz

Once upon a Fight

18:20 – TURBINE 1 | Chloë Janssens

Alas, Your Mother

19:30 DINNER


Sunday, AUGUST 4th

Instagram Live Stream: @aeroponic_acts_live


11:10 – FOYER | Zoé Couppé

À la vie à la mort  A voice and nothing more

11:50 – COMANDO | Ania Yilmaz

The Possibility of an Island

12:30 – TURBINE 2 | Claudia Medeiros

A Voice in My Brain Makes an Inaudible Noise:

A Concert Score for In-(h)umans

13:10 LUNCH

14:30 – TURBINE 2 | Shaza Omran

We lived well together

15:10 – COMANDO | Kıvanç Sert

Tea and Land, Story of Cultivation of Cultivator

15:50 – TURBINE 1 | Dalia Maini

I pass it to you, you pass it to me

16:30 BREAK

17:00 – TURBINE 2 | Clara von Schantz

Once upon a Fight

17:40 – COMANDO | Seán Bean

Erin’s Intervals

18:20 – TURBINE 1 | Saverio Cantoni

Forbidden love’s journal.


19:30 DINNER

Convener | artistic director DAI: Gabriëlle Schleijpen

Production leader: Peter Sattler

Written reports: Bethany Crawford

Documentation: Baha Görkem Yalim

Communication design: Lauren Alexander & Hanna Rullmann

Instagram takeover: Nash Caldera assisted by Tomek Pawłowski-Jarmołajew

Logistics & hospitality: Jacq van der Spek & Kastė Šeškevičiūte, assisted by Chiara Pagano

Chefs: Sophia Braddel & Rowan Beasley 

It is possible for visitors to join us for lunch and/or dinner, but our chefs need to know in advance! Please make a booking with J.vanderSpek@ArtEZ.nl well before the 29th of July, 2024. Lunch (+water) costs 10 euro, dinner (+one glass of wine) costs 10 euro as well. Payment in cash only ~ at the location.

From around 16:00 onward the bar in the garden of Centrale Fies will be selling cold drinks: alcoholic and non-alcoholic. 

For the AEROPONIC ACTS 2024 the DAI alights once again in the heart of the incredibly beautiful Valle dei Laghi in Trentino, Italy. Our huge gratitude goes to Barbara Boninsegna and Dino Sommadossi and their team at Centrale Fies for their hospitality and invaluable support. It is their vision and stamina that brings emerging performance artists, researchers and activists together in a space of care, commitment and encouragement. It is an honour for DAI to be welcomed here as a friend. 

Centrale Fies, 38074 Dro TN, Italy

Entrance to the AEROPONIC ACTS 2024 is free.

‘Aeroponic’ – root systems nourished by air –  is the name given by the nomadic Dutch Art Institute to each student's final act in the framework of one out of four defining curriculum components. Journeying with DAI leads to many things, among them the accomplishment of an accredited MA in Art Praxis under the auspices of the ArtEZ University of the Arts.