Sille Kima ~ All sun quiet down, all light pass through you

All sun quiet down, all light pass through you is a (stage) play with words, glimmers, darkness, light and who owns it. Through memory, a soft river of feelings tingling the skin, the surface, the muddy boundaries between you and I, near and far.

Agathe stands in the middle of the forest, looking up. Later, in the violet twilight, the stars will be up. But not yet. The wind is changing the patterns falling on her shoulders, the skies above the heavy canopy beating relentlessly in fiery blue. Now she is further, stopped by a call not her own. In the glow of the not-yet-inbetween, the sticky warmth of the heavy sun pulling at her hair. By the tickles at the back of her throat, she already knows this feeling of herself dispersing, being in multiple places at once. Stepping behind her, she turns and faces the sun.


AEROPONIC ACTS 2024 ~ Chameleon Orbit