Meii Soh ~ FurStation: Towards immortality
Meii Soh's "FurStation: Towards immortality" was presented before live audience at Centrale Fies, Dro, Italy on August 3, 2024 as one of 38 AEROPONIC ACTS of CHAMELEON ORBIT curated by Elisa Giuliani & Giulia Crispiani.
Here you will find the documentation of Meii Soh's presentation as filmed by Baha Görkem Yalım. The written report is by Bethany Crawford and it includes a summary of the comments by esteemed guest respondents.
FurStation: Towards immortality
Meii Soh's question: And where does it rise?
Meii's introduction: Influenced by on-land hunting practices and the hunting-dog’s nuanced role within such frameworks—intermediaries between companionship and tool—FurStation presents an immersive video-game experience where one’s digital existence suggests a pathway to contemplate immortality and reincarnation. From the corporate structure of FurStation to the inside of the game, How can the digital realm re-imagine our perception of corporeal mortality?