Meii Soh ~ Keywords: hunting, friend, fur, speculative world-building, ultrasonic dog

Meii Soh (they/them) is a performer and researcher focused on the intersection of movement and digital mediums.

Born within a family of traditional hunters, Meii's research offers a critical perspective on how nature and animality are represented in the Western cultural context. Moreover, how non-human subjects generate technology and consciousness.

They work with video, performance, and text based projects to draw attention to how human and non-human creatures navigate dependency, mutualism, and, or parasitism as complex methods of cohabitation. They are interested in traditional and ancient practices as methods that can be merged with contemporary contexts to generate new ways of seeing and knowing. By doing so, they locate and question inherited colonial narratives of instrumentalization, consumption, and objectification. By implementing senses of escapism, disassociation, poetry, and speculative storytelling, they generate alternative senses of reality of human-decentred systems.

Meii holds a BFA from the University of Lisbon, and an MA in Art Praxis from the Dutch Art Institute. Their work has recently been featured at SEA Foundation, GROTTO Berlin, Galerias Municipais de Lisboa, pocoapoco, The Cursed Assembly, among others.




*Learn more about Meii Soh's 20 minute performance FurStation: Towards immortality for Chameleon Orbit ~ DAI's Aeroponic Acts 2024 at Centrale Fies in Italy. 

*Learn more about Meii Soh's written MA thesis (DAI, 2024): The queer dog: Ultrasonic Writing for Love Hunters

*During their journey with DAI, Meii Soh made significant contributions to: COOP Summit 2023: COULD A SOUND PERSIST - UNDER SANDS - UNSEEN? as well as COOP SUMMIT 2024 ~ Assembling Land: Rehearsals towards Place-making 

*Follow Meii's "Life after DAI" and their website and via instagram