Savva Dudin ~ angelic materialists were well aware of that

There, at the dawn of the somber era in the austere mountain landscape a group of honest social scientists gather to reveal the technology that lets you see the images from the right side of history. They assembled shards of the leaked progressive prophecies, which ultimately helps imagine different life in the uncertain times.

Splinters of insights presents angelology, not as a metaphysical game, but as a concrete self-description of material political reality, born out of withdrawal from the space of empire and demonological war principle.

To think of the world as a war between angels and demons is already to practice demonology. Angelic ways of seeing provide a radical alternative to being with the world in war.

Instead of clerical reporting on certain winged creatures, the group will facilitate a workshop that activates agency with attentional exercises for after the end of the history, when the oppressive machines are broken and other machines take shape. So, where is it there?

AEROPONIC ACTS 2024 ~ Chameleon Orbit

About Savva Dudin