Savva Dudin ~ Keywords: serious role play, conspiracy design, iconocracy, angelic materialism, attentional alienation, live-love-laugh
Savva Dudin is an artist, designer, and writer whose work revolves around games, fictioning, and alternative socio-political infrastructures. He explores how participatory art can implicate the spectator's agency to overcome stasis and the numbness of catastrophe-thinking.
With a background in political science, he researched the utopian Soviet education and cybernetic social engineering projects of the 1920s and 1960s and how project participants’ multidirectional memories formed intergenerational subjectivity. The recurrent query through artistic and academic research is: How can alienation from the self be designed as a more generative than an extractivist form of attention?
Currently, Savva facilitates interactive games to teach courses in philosophy and anthropology of seeing in Stradarium, based on the master thesis about modern iconoclastic crisis and iconology in times of war. Starting a Ph.D. in Arts at Leiden University, he will research how civic conspiring exercises role-play methods as pre-enactment technology.
Savva continues worlding a speculative association of “Angelic Materialism" that unfolds as interwoven interventions in artistic venues and everyday spaces. AM holds a spontaneous sensitivity zone that assumes force through performative workshops, examinations, and somatic experiences in applied angelology outside Christianity.
Learn more about Savva Dudin's 20 minute performance angelic materialists were well aware of that for Chameleon Orbit ~ DAI's Aeroponic Acts 2024 at Centrale Fies in Italy.
Learn more about Savva Dudin's written MA thesis (DAI, 2024): Borders Crossed, Images Seen: Iconology In the Time of War.
*During their journey with DAI, Savva Dudin made significant contributions to: COOP Summit 2023: Evergreening the Cut [towards and beyond film's photosynthesis] as well as COOP SUMMIT 2024 ~ Moving with the Dunes
Follow Savva's 'Life after DAI' via @savvadudin