Louis Schou-Hansen ~ Pleasure


Clem is an entirely fictional character obsessed with external conditions that keep re-animating its body. It is a hungry consumer of toxic histories; histories that keep circulating the world as ghostly repositories, wanting to eat them up and spit them back out into the world as counter-narratives and, at times, malfunctioning corporeal sequences.  

Clem keeps reiterating, and while recently contemplating, it fell into a rabbit hole on the www, geeking out on the celebrated American composer Charles Ives and how his homophobia slipped into his music. Eager to find pleasure in the unpleasurable, Clem has decided to perform a kind of dissident, dramatic, and weirdly homoerotic lap dance for the ghost of Ives, materializing in a soundtrack consisting of his songs The Unanswered Question, Processional. Let There Be Light, and Piano Sonata No. 2, Concord, Mass. It is a slow erotic meditation, dedicated to the pleasure of Clem and the displeasure of Ives, imagining his frowning specter, upset about the perverted corruption of his compositions.


AEROPONIC ACTS 2024 ~ Chameleon Orbit