Lena Pfäffli ~ There For The Taking

Deeply anchored in mechanisms of power, infrastructures control and enable movements, interactions, fantasies, and desires. Their maintenance requires flawless repetition, like a well-rehearsed choreography.

Tracing back these movements

Along unnoticed corners of the room,

Guided by seemingly minor gestures,

What will be revealed?

This piece is a retrace, a scrape in your head.

You could learn a monologue, a 5 min monologue, but you don’t have to do it fully, you can just sort of—you don’t have to say it, you can just go over it in your head to be able to know. So, in movement terms I can know that the arm is here, [dancer gestures] but all I have to do is go like that so that the ... I am just setting the small movements to trigger the pathway that has already been already placed, you know, rather than having to do the whole thing. (Dancer N in interview)*

*From How Marking in Dance Constitutes Thinking with the Body, David Kirsh (2011)


AEROPONIC ACTS 2024 ~ Chameleon Orbit