Saverio Cantoni ~ Forbidden love’s journal.

Fragments from a Berlin journal: night tales of seduction, misunderstanding, glitches, and rage. Ten years of pages that I wanted to rip away from my journal as it recounts an impossible love with Berlin and its myth of libertarian life while subministrating an intense dosage of state repression. A sonic journey into failures of empathy, the encounters with the man in the uniform that obeys and seduces, a bait for organization and effectiveness, and its banality. How can real-life glitches coexist with the precise scheme of Central European politics; being the glitch that the state promised to support and that the police-state tried to erase? This is a sound performance conceived through an aesthetics of access, where the sound is not only to be listened to and a visual description will be offered as an integral part of the performance—a journey into fear and love, where certainties bend into chaos, mayhem, and its liberating joy.


AEROPONIC ACTS 2024 ~ Chameleon Orbit

About Saverio Cantoni