
All seminars, study groups, student led classes, lectures, projects and other happenings that occured during the DAI's extraordinary itinerary through time and places are archived here, more or less chronologically, per academic year. Chrono-archive moves backward till 2003, step, by leap, by step.

SCROLL and go back in time

but note that Chrono-archive as a content-oriented archive is for ever under construction and thus always incomplete. We (with your help !) collect what has been made visible, tangible ~ what has been noted, noticed, not forgotten. 

Alternative ways of finding access to DAI's eventful past:

Bulletins, Roaming AssemblyAlumni EmbassyTutor Galaxy, Chronicles, Meditations




2018-2019, June 28 + 29 ~ Announcement + Program COOP Summit 2019 in Cagliari

The outcome of seven COOP study groups' year-long inquiry to be shared with the public of Cagliari at a variety of settings, generously accommodated by institutional and less institutional hosts. 

tag: Cagliari