Elif Cadoux ~ Keywords: science fiction, counter-mythology, subjunctivity, performance, rehearsal, collaboration, facilitation, archival mischief, anti-accelerationist hijinx, cellular stories, writing, translation, eroticism, fear, awe

Elif Cadoux (b. 1993, New York) is an artist living and working in Marseille. Elif practices collaborative and solo performance, writing, cooking, and group facilitation. They use theatrical, literary, and participatory methods to explore futurity, concocting counter-worldly texts and experiences.

Elif’s work with FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture, the survivor justice collective responsible for the Monument Quilt on the National Mall, and their commitment to Call Your Mom, their performance collective with Mia Massimino, Emma Bergman, and Sophie Goldberg, animates their sense of collaborative performance’s potential beyond the stage. Elif’s latest theatre and live cinema works, Say You’re Sorry (with Call Your Mom, 2023) and Our Blood is Red to Let Us Know (solo, 2024), explore how colonial affective regimes of fear and avoidance structure speculative fiction, and vice versa. They are expanding on these topics in their current manuscript, That You May Have a Good Future, an exploratory dramaturgy that refuses subsumptive inevitability.

Elif has recently shown work at FestivALT (Kraków, Poland), Gylleboverket (Gärnäs, Sweden),  and Centro NAVE (Santiago, Chile). In 2025, Elif will participate in speculative reflexive, a group exhibition at NARS Foundation (Brooklyn, US) with Meii Soh and Noam Youngrak Son, curated by Thamyres VM, and a collaborative residency with Meii Soh at Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (Trondheim, Norway). Elif is a freelance writer, editor, and facilitator who holds a BA in Gender Studies and Comparative Literature with a certificate in Intergroup Relations Education from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and an MA in Art Praxis from the Dutch Art Institute.

Learn more about Elif Cadoux's 20 minute performance répétition, rehearsal for Chameleon Orbit ~ DAI's Aeroponic Acts 2024 at Centrale Fies in Italy. 

Learn more about Elif Cadoux's written MA thesis (DAI, 2024): coming soon

Elif Cadoux was an esteemed 2023-2024 member of the DAI's COUNCIL

Follow Elif's "Life after DAI" via their website and Instagram