Ongoing ~ Factory : COUNCIL (DAI's consultative student body)

The COUNCIL acts as a valve between the student body and DAI crew in the management and delivery of the program's curriculum at large, including exam regulations and module requirements.We meet once a month during the DAI week and then again with the director to report on and discuss the development of the curriculum, and to raise concerns, comments and suggestions brought forward by the student body. All these can be communicated via email, online forms, in person or at the General Assembly held during the DAI Week. The purpose of the group is to ensure there is a platform for efficient and actionable feedback related to the delivery of the syllabus. In addition, it is to ensure that requirements and regulations are being upheld by the program facilitating crew, faculty and students

The COUNCIL 2022-2023 is thus an assembly of student "consultants", thinking together with Gabriëlle (occassionally  joined by another crew member) about all things DAI: past, future, mostly present. While the council is particularly focused on the now experience of the DAI students, the council also acts as our student think tank - to reflect on the past and look toward how DAI will be shaped in the (near) future. It's a place for facilitated discussion, imagination, and action as we continue to develop the DAI.

Each COOP study group delegates two students, whose presence during meetings can be alternating. In practice this means: all members of the COUNCIL must be committed to regular, pre-scheduled meetings, but not all members have to be present every time (as long as they read the minutes before joining the next meeting). Not a member but interested in joining a meeting ? You are welcome, but you as well must commit to reading the minutes of the previous session.

If students want to bring a specific topic to the agenda of the upcoming meeting you will have to contact Dalia, Elif, Noam several days ahead of the actual gathering

You will be invited to present and explain your case or question or concern and to engage in a discussion with those present at the meeting.

Ad hoc topics can be briefly brought forward during the table round at the end of the meeting.


The DAI facilitates the COUNCIL in several ways:

As of December 2020 DAI has reserved a budget to pay a small fee as a token of appreciation for their commitment, to the Chair and Secretary-team of the COUNCIL. Half of all scheduled COUNCIL meetings are bound to take place during every regular DAI Week and DAI will take care to always secure a suitable space for in flesh meeting (Covid permitting). The other half will be organised on line by the Chair and the Secretary of the COUNCIL in conversation with DAI's artistic director/ head of program.  

COUNCIL is part of the Syllabus 2022-2023 and embedded in curriculum component Factory 2.0, as such participation is credited with ECTS.  

See also: How is the DAI currently embedded in the ArtEZ University of the Arts and how is participation organised ?


Gatherings are organized in-and outside DAI Weeks.

See the schedule here

15 April 2023 - 15 April 2024 Chair & Secretaries:

Elif Cadoux

Noam Youngrak Son

Dalia Maini   

Members 2023-2024:

Valeria Moro, Daniël van der Giessen,                                                                                

Members 2022-2023 :

Ros del Olmo, Valeria Moro, Daniël van der Giessen, who is also a member of the MR (Participation Council) of ArtEZ University of the Arts, Maxi Smith, Iliada Charalampous, Cornelia Isaksson and Theresa Zwerschke.


Chairs & Secretaries: 

April 15, 2022 till April 15, 2023: Iliada Charalambous, Theresa Zwerschke and Cornelia Isaksson

April 15, 2021 till April 15, 2022: Ioana Lupascu, Marika Vandekraats

June, 2020 till April 15, 2021: Kari Rosenfeld, Csilla Klenyanszki

June, 2019 till June, 2020: Nina Postma  

June 2018 till June, 2019: Edel O'Reilly


2021 - 2022: Vera Mühlebach, Ronja Sommer, Derek Di Fabio, João Polido, Bambi van Balen, Lau ten Zeldam, Felix Bahret, Eli Witteman, Mirjam Steffen, Cristina Emmel, Nadja Henß, Marika Vandekraats, Emilia Kuryłowicz, Maxima Smith,  Mara Ittel.

2020 - 2021: Mia van den Bos, Michael Fischer, Hubert Gromny, Felix Bahret, Raffia Li, Niccolò Masini, Mirjam Steffen, Clara Winter, Derek MF Di Fabio, Dylan Spencer-Davidson, Flip Driest, Bambi van Balen.

2019-2020: Vita Buyvid, Fran Hawker, Assem Hendawi, Erato Tzavara, Flip Driest, Kari Rosenfeld, line kramer, Csilla Klenyanszki.

2018-2019: Lukas Hoffmann,  Samantha McCulloch, Vita Buyvid, Frances Hawker, Assem Hendawi and Nine Postma.

2017-2018: Lukas Hoffmann, Edel O'Reilly, Samantha McCulloch, Rabea Ridlhammer, Nina Støttrup Larsen, Ellen de Medeiros Nunes