September 8 ~ Farewell Ceremony & Graduation

09:00 - 13:00

No program. Make sure to pack your luggage, so you are ready for early departure on the 9th.

13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH at Koozina Garden prepared by Myriam Taouriri

Fish curry (served with rice)

Beetroot, goat cheese and orange salad

Contains roasted almonds and sesame and sunflower seeds

Quince crumble (gluten free option with sesame crust)

Caramelized quince, wheat crust

16:30 - 01:00 FAREWELL CEREMONY - Generation 2024


We are going to a private house to chill, proceed with our Farewell Ceremony for generation 2022, dinner and dance.

  • Come in a festive gear (dressed before) but DO bring warm clothes as well!
  • You don't need walking shoes. 
  • Mini-vans will escort you to the location (approximately 20 min ride).  

Please check the time schedule below for departures PER GROUP to the location. 

16:30 SHARP

ALL 1st year students, tutors & guests

Departure : outside Hotel des Iles in Essaouira.

17:30 SHAPR

ALL Generation 2022 students and Kaste

Departure outside Hotel des Iles in Essaouira.


Mini-vans are scheduled to take us back to Essaouira (22.30/00:30/01:00) in accordance to the sign up list provided.

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