Chloë Janssens ~ Keywords: screaming, voice, speech, preaching, rumbling, rambling, writing, verbs in present continuous, faith

Chloë Janssens works with sound and spoken word in collective performative settings. She explores different uses of the voice in their capacity to shake loose anger, rage and grief in her own body and in her peers and audiences.
In fragmented lyrics, she brings together faith, fury and feminisms which she speaks into dark, red sanctuaries. Through durational preaching, she researches the transcendent capacities of speech, song and rhythm. She negotiates the frictions between when to speak and when to remain silent as two positions with their own potentialities in piercing the borders of a stitched wound.
Before the Dutch Art Institute (2022-2024), she got an MA in Visual Arts, Graphic Design at Luca School of Arts, Ghent (2013). She finished a postgraduate in Design and Typography at the Plantin Institute in Antwerp (2019). And a post-graduate programme at a.pass (advanced performance and scenography studies) in Brussels (2022). She is based in Brussels, where she has been a resident at QO2 workspace for experimental music and sound, and worked with and attended work sessions at Constant.

Learn more about Chloë Janssens's 20 minute performance Alas, Your Mother for Chameleon Orbit ~ DAI's Aeroponic Acts 2024 at Centrale Fies in Italy. 

Learn more about Chloë Janssens's written MA thesis (DAI, 2024): coming soon