May Chronicle by Ivčo Ružić & Baoxin Liao (Bobo)

| tag: Middelburg

All memories blur       after boarding the return train


We return

                     Return.    Return...


   With nowhere to go


In the ever-changing weather

Following the shifts in temperature

We converse

   Sometimes loudly

   Sometimes drowsily


The sound ~~~~ waves

Draw us back to the square in Marrakech

The sunlit rooftops of Essaouira

The markets

The crowds

The waves


Turning the pages

No!!!    On our travels,

we've long abandoned paper books

But we still strive to return to the memories of Haifa

Willing to read over and over again

   Until the elusive pages

                         Are worn out


Before sunset

Before it all ends


We ride through all illusions

To the ocean we thought could connect the world



End here

Not a word more

To preserve the secrets of Coop Summit

our few days were marked by repeating, accelerating rhythms, of turning spokes, a rush to the dunes (again) and to completion

going in circles, aways in return, hindsight and remembrance, round and round the plastic loom, the tubular fishnets forming, catching our wayward thoughts - the layers are forming, crust is crusting -

again the technical and chemical and natural were coming together at the beach, with a stuck polaroid and its ink seeping fake sea waves onto a deep copper plane

these were also foamy, albeit not with dead planktons - maybe dead mermaids?

riding adventures / feeling the soil but not on our feet

help.. we are discussing layers again.. this time not of a sticky sweet baklava, but a still fragile earth; although not as flaky

it’s all about tectonics, and quicksand, and movements and imaginary lines

we get from land sustenance and move through the soil