May 17: we are excited to share an invitation to the Finissage of the exhibition The One-Straw Revolution at Framer Framed, curated by DAI partner and former tutor iLiana Fokianaki. This event marks the culmination of an extraordinary journey through the works of artists and researchers exploring themes of permaculture, ecology and community. Closing the exhibition with film screening, conversations and artists talks, we are encouraged to reflect on how artistic practices which take influence from permacultural thinking naturally unfold through their entanglements with the ecologies and communities of the sites in which they are rooted.

| tag: Amsterdam

The evening begins with two screenings of artist duo Latent Community, including the short film NEROMANNA, which is based on the story of the Kallio settlement in Fokida. This village in Greece was flooded in the creation of the Mornos dam, a reservoir for the city of Athens. Following the screenings, Latent Community will discuss the work and their broader practice in a conversation with curator and researcher Angeliki Tzortzakaki.

After that, curator of The One-Straw Revolution, iLiana Fokianaki, will be in conversation with artists Eliana Otta and Peng Zhang. Otta is one of the participating artists in the exhibition with her installation Beatriz and the Sacred Hole (2023) where we hear stories from the family of Mauro Pío, a leader in the Peruvian Indigenous community Nuevo Amanecer Hawai who was assassinated in 2013.

During the finissage, Otta will enter into a dialogue with Amsterdam-based artist Peng Zhang. Informed by his rural upbringing, his practice focuses on relationships to and around land. Zhang recently finished residencies at the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten (Amsterdam) and Grasland Ezinge (Groningen). He is currently participating in a residency with Het Groene Veld in Amsterdam-Noord.



Friday 17 May | 17:00-20:00

17:00  | Walk in & drinks
17:15   | Screening of NEROMANNA & Tropical Hell
Conversation with Latent Community and Angeliki Tzortzakaki
18:30 | Panel discussion with Eliana Otta and Peng Zhang, moderated by iLiana Fokianaki

This event is in English and free of charge.

Sign up to let us know you’re attending here!


More about iLiana Fokianaki