March Chronicle by Elif Cadoux, Helena Estrela & Seán Bean, feat contributions by COOP study group: The Word and the Wound participants.
How can I keep going?
I don’t know
Tell me what you really really want
Is waiting and being calm a solution?
Raksjd adkjfhe
How to transform the object, and this object into a verb?
“Release Your Neck”
In a common dream of soup and relief
and spells
and offers to the fire
I hear you,
chips on the butt
and wax on my coat
and a glass of wine in the candlelight
the point is
to turn the two into one
when signing
or reading minds
between smiles
so I am now whispering words to the walls
but not expecting any answers
just reverb
we wait, we wait, we wait
we breathe in, breathe out
I hope somehow we synchronize
Thank you to Lisa Montan, who led our exploration of hearing ourselves and our neighbors sound at the same time, and who encouraged us to explore the gap between.