Lucie Draai (DAI, 2019): “Welcome to Botanic X. Especially for you I made a living compass. It loves the dark, it does not appreciate the light. Please take good care of it.” Interviewer Nele: "What were you alluding to by calling Ketan a living compass?" Lucie: ‘Based on how Ketan grows I conceptually called it a (dis-)orientation device to caringly disturb our quite goal-oriented way of moving in the domains of society. I find it fascinating that slime mould has about 700 type of sexes, and Physarum polycephalum is just one of many formless growing masses able to merge, divide and merge again. Apart from that, the scientists still don’t know what kind of species or taxonomic group it belongs to, so they have not been able to classify it in detail!". Read the full text of this interview for MetropolisM here.