Marilú Mapengo Namoda ~ Keywords: performance art, animist astrology, storytelling, bantu writing symbols, healing rituals, love politics

"What is the silence praying for?

Marilú Mapengo Námoda is an artist that engages with the politics of giving birth to the futureS.
Her research explores the possibility of love politics for healing colonial wounds in its multiple expressions of racism, machismo, and classism. Through multiple hybrid formats their practice weaves languages from performance art, animist astrology, storytelling, Bantu writing symbols, and healing rituals. Her work has been exhibited at the Santarcangelo festival  (Santarcangelo, 2022), Spielart Festival (München, 2021), Kaserne Basel ( Basel, 2021), and Entretodos Human Rights Festival, ( Sao Paulo, 2019), among others. Námoda holds degrees in  Sociology (BA,  University Eduardo Mondlane - Maputo, 2013), a Post-Graduation Degree in Gender Studies ( University of Iceland /UNU GEST Program – Reykjavik, 2016); and Art Praxis (MA, Dutch Art Institute, 2022). 

Learn more about Marilú Mapengo Námoda's 20 minute performance LOVE PRAXIS: Arts and Politics of giving birth to the FutureS for "tuttə (le) rottə - all (the) ways: unfixed" ~ Aeroponic Acts 2022 at Centrale Fies in Dro, Italy. 
Learn more about Marilú Mapengo Námoda's written MA thesis (DAI, 2022): Birthing a Love Politics (o)
Follow Marilú's "Life after DAI" via her website and instagram