Clementine Edwards (DAI, 2018) writes us: "Not just a jolly rethinking of objects or a polyamorous romp through relationships, The Material Kinship Reader reckons with the extractavist histories of materials and the social relations that frame much of contemporary life. Spanning fiction and theory, the collection of texts expands the idea of an artist’s book by bringing words into conversation with an aesthetic proposition. My artwork is the visual weft to the book’s written net. From colonial conquest to climate collapse, The Material Kinship Reader tells toxic and tender stories of interdependence among all things sentient and insentient."

With writing by Sara Ahmed, Hana Pera Aoake, Roland Barthes, Joannie Baumgärtner (DAI, 2019), Heather Davis, Ama Josephine B. Johnstone, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Ursula K. Le Guin, Sophie Lewis, Steven Millhauser, Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Michelle Murphy, Ada M. Patterson, Kim TallBear and Michelle Tea
This book is possible because of money-support from Mondriaan Funds (€17,308), Creative Industries Fund NL (€7500), Droom en Daad (€5000) and – as reported in my August 2020 email – CBK Rotterdam (€2700). The money has covered research, production, writing, design, editorial & permissions fees, the printing & paper costs, forthcoming marketing & events (with performances), 
The Material Kinship Reader: thinking material beyond extraction and kinship beyond the nuclear family
Edited by Kris Dittel and Clementine Edwards
designed by Jena Myung
published by Onomatopee in April 2022 (will be available for sale & distribution globally not too long after)