Our dear Vita Buivid (DAI, 2020) saw her most terrible assumptions turned into reality. She writes us "Such a heavy sense of worthlessness… but I am trying to do at least something". For example by means of this art project: " WAR IS UPON US.With the tensions raised and now exploding in Ukraine, it can seem hopeless and very distant from the peace we are experiencing here in the Netherlands. So what can we do about it? How are we attached within this conflict and can we play a role in it? Yes! We can! Apart from frontline jobs that seem far away from here, Putin’s influence is still very much present around us, especially in the winter months."
What presence is this you may ask? Well, it is the heat you get from your radiator on a typical raining winter day, it is the warmth you get from your water heater when you run yourself a welcoming hot bath, and it is the time saved when drying your socks upon the heater by the window.
Let us reduce our dependency by turning down our heating, knit for Ukraine, and put a sweater on against Putin!
Knitting for Survival
We will be hosting various textile artists and designers who will guide you for free as you start your journey to warmth for our fellow Ukrainians. You will be introduced to the basics of needlework, and offered the possibility to explore more complex knitting techniques through the guidance of our team of workshop tutors. It is time to make some fuzzy socks and warm sweaters as a community. The workshops will be lead by a team of textile artists and designers with the first meetings will be on March 6, 9 and 11 from 14:00h on. Check our event calendar for updates!
More information on our website
Collaborating Artists
During this workshop, you will be guided by a team of three textile artists and designers: Vita Buivid, Conny Groenewegen and Kristin Maurer.
Vita Buivid is a Ukrainian/Russian artist & photographer. Buivid is considered to be one of the forward-thinking feminists in Russian art. Specifically in her project "How I Spent my Summer" where portrays a colliding collage of images of peaceful relaxation with military invasion.
Conny Groenewegen is an expert in knitting! As a textile artist and designer, Conny has been involved in many projects with Mediamatic like The Fashion Machine and Inhuman Carnaval workshops: Bugs and Buds Bootcamp and Species Spectacle
Kristin Maurer is an artist and designer involved in the construction most recently of the Inhuman Carnaval CostumeLab, where you can come and design, make, and create your very own costume to become another being under her guidance!
Time: starting at 14:00.
Admission: Free
Mediamatic provides materials and warm tea.
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam