2023-2024 Academic Writing classes for students in their first year

During their first year of study at the DAI all students take part in an academic writing course (4 sessions), which will look at: formulating arguments and presenting data, organisation and coherence throughout a text, writing clear and concise paragraphs, the proper use of sources (literature review, paraphrasing, quoting, and referencing). The aim is to formulate a clear thesis proposal at the end of the year.

The HTDTWT program co-ordinator and tutor for the academic writing classes is Florian Göttke

Please return to this page for monthly program updates.


Class 1 (Confluence 2)

Introduction Academic Writing at DAI

What is research in the arts? -- What is research in academia? -- How to engage with theory at the DAI

Introduction Thesis guidelines -- Academic Research in relation to Artistic Practice

Referencing Sources

Paraphrasing, quoting, inline quote/block quote, footnotes and bibliography, Chicago Manual of Style

Assignment 1: Text Summary (deadline: Monday 26 January 12:00)

Choose two texts, either from your theory seminar, or another text that you are interested in. Read and highlight the most important points in the argument. Write a short text (around 300 words) summarising (a part of) the argument of the author. Use paraphrasing and one quote. Start with a sentence identifying the source text like this: “In the essay <title>, performance scholar <name> … introduces/suggests/proposes … .

(Paraphrasing means formulating the ideas of the author in your own words. Quoting means to copy the exact words of the author to use it in your own text. Quoting needs quotation marks. Both paraphrasing and quoting needs a footnote with a reference to the original text.)


Class 2 (Confluence 3)

How to start and finish your thesis

finding a topic — constructing a theoretical framework — find relevant literature

Discussion Thesis Proposal

structure — examples

Assignment 2: Topic/object of research for your thesis (deadline: Wednesday 10 April 12:00)

Imagine a possible topic/object of research for your thesis. Write a description of the topic in 300 - 400 words. Consider following aspects: factual information about the topic; situating the topic and your own investment in it; possible theoretical perspectives.

Please also formulate the research question(s) you have towards the topic. What do you want to learn about your topic? What do you want to find out? Which aspects are you interested in?


Class 3 (Confluence 4)

Writing in Style

from sentence to paragraph — argument structure — voice

looking at thesis examples — exercises

Assignment 3: first draft thesis proposal

Develop your proposal building on assignment 3. Consider which fields of theory you need to investigate your topic. Search for texts and build a bibliography. Formulate your theoretical framework.


Class 4 (Confluence 5)

Writing as a Practice

looking at thesis examples — exercises

Assignment 4: finalise your thesis proposal

Imagine who your readers are, and communicate to them. Find your voice, Establish a clear structure: introductory paragraph, description topic, description theoretical framework, conclusory paragraph.