2020-2021 Factory 2.0: Embodiment je t’aime

🌈Embodiment je t’aime invites you to release your post-mid-DAI-Week itches, cramps and tensions through a series of exercises that activate our bodies via various multi-sensorial experiences.

June, 2021 @PAF

Led by Ilgin Akseloglu, Alexandra Duvekot & Anna Piroska Tóth (feat. Erato Tzavara).

When: all throughout the DAI week

Dear all,

We are so so glad that after this long period of onlining we can gather again in real time and space and would like to invite you to a partly individual, partly shared practice. 

This time we are opening a Journaling Circle to attend to our physical presence in the here and the now and practice deep listening into our current embodied experience.

It is a means of focusing on the small, seemingly banal yet miraculous movements that pass through us and what unfolds beyond them, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

We propose to start individually at our arrival on the 1st of June and have a sharing circle on the 9th after dinner.

For those who might need a bit of help to navigate between feelings, sensations, we have prepared a little poster-map with currents of questions (please, find it attached) that you can always take and look at, print it out if you’d like, to bring you back to your tangible occurrence.

For journaling - there are no rules, it's your body, it's your journal. 

We will form a group via email to keep in touch. If you would like to participate, please send us an email, so we can add you to the group.

🧡 ❤️  We are really looking forward to sharing this practice with you. ❤️ 🧡 


March 24, 2021 (online)

Led by Ilgin Akseloglu, Alexandra Duvekot & Anna Piroska Tóth (feat. Erato Tzavara).

When: 19:00 - 20:00

Where: on skype (registration via email required)

🌈 Embodiment je t’aime comes to your homes again, this time in your kitchens for a communal funky cooking session to give you some energy and help digest a week of mostly mental nourishment.

So we are happy to invite you to join 🔥Gym Brulée🔥, a tender and juicy session for igniting our inner fire and letting the lava flow all around, warming up our entire body, gladdening our heart and palate.


We will start with a soft touchy-feely warm up and steadily take up more spicy moves as we will be preparing a creamy red lentil soup and make magic chapati to accompany it, letting our flames dance together, burn together on the tastiest tunes.

Needs: As always, choose comfortable clothes and if you want to spice it up, go for it, add some hot hues like red and orange.

Ingredient list for cooking:
(Amounts are just indications, this is really feeling-it-cooking and you can go for more or less according to needs and tastes.)
- 250 g red lentils (you can soak them 1-2 hours before but it’s not obligatory, red lentils cook easily)
- half or 1 onion - garlic (optional)
- sesame oil / sunflower oil / ghee
- 2-3 carrots
- 2-3 pealed, cooked tomatoes
- chilly (optional)
- spices: fresh ginger, turmeric, black pepper, coriander (ideally fresh), cumin, fennel, chilly (optional)
- salt
- lime or lemon (optional)

- 2 cups of flour (ideally whole or semi-whole)
- water

🧡 ❤️ Looking forward to meeting you all ❤️ 🧡 


February 25, 2021 (online)

Led by Ilgin Akseloglu, Alexandra Duvekot & Anna Piroska Tóth.

When: 15:00 - 16:00

Where: Jitsi

Embodiment je t’aime invites you to a sound journey into the underwater led by Ilgın Deniz Akseloglu, Alexandra Duvekot and Anna Piroska Toth. In this session we will return together to our floating existence 💧We will dive into a dim, deep liquid space, using our breath and sonic vision to find our flow towards each other.


January 21, 2021 (online)

Led by Georgia Stellin and Rosa Ronsdorf.

When: 15:00 - 16:00  

Where: https://meet.jit.si/Embodimentjetaime

Needs: Come as you are. Comfortable pyjama-like-outfit would be a suggestion. The trip is best to be joined from your bed, your couch or yoga mat. Optional: from under a blanket.

Material: Coloured pencils/pens, headphones.

“We do not ignore the use of the meaning in dreaming. But it is good to recognize that there is also dreaming in meaning.” 

― Tenzin Wangyal, The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep

Waking up, 

moving through deep layers of sleep

--my dream changes--

a lively band is playing over in the corner of the room

--a small dance floor. 

I step out from the table and begin to move in time to the music. 

Aware of shadowy figures watching me.


How do our beings come together? 

An unconscious journey will take us into an ethereal place, where content, form and meaning do not obey any laws. 

Bodies are fluid and malleability pervades the surrounding.  

Join us at the soft place,

let’s unearth some myths and create new paths and rituals,

and please leave your waking body at home. 


November 18, 2020 (Oldebroek)

Led by Ilgin Akseloglu, Alexandra Duvekot, Rosa Ronsdorf, Georgia Stellin & Anna Piroska Tóth.


Where: Buitcentrum, Outdoors 

Meeting point: 14:50 at the entrance door of the main building where the kitchen is.

Needs: Come as you are. We will be outside and standing during the session. Light shoes to be able to feel the ground and comfy clothes are of preference.

We will start with bodily practice proposed by Anna - based on qi gong - to bring our attention on our bodies and to cultivate a sensation of groundedness. Then we will continue with collective storytelling and dream-weaving led by Alexandra and Ilgın; to pave paths and to grow branches between each other's imagination. 


This student initiative is facilitated by DAI by making it part of the syllabus 2020-2021 and by providing space and time for gathering. It is embedded in the curriculum component Factory 2.0 and participation is credited with ECTS.