2019 RA #23 ~ MARIA GARCIA 'City of Gypsies: Spatial Grammar and Slang in The Architecture of Moving Bodies'

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14.30-15.00 City of Gypsies: Spatial Grammar and Slang in The Architecture of
Moving Bodies by María García

Language and slang could be two concepts regarding the way of living that appear if we observe these two works by Moholy-Nagy in parallel: Architects’ Congress (1933) where  Moholy-Nagy documents the fourth CIAM (International Congresses of Modern Architecture) in which international architects set the basic "grammar" of modern architecture, and, on the other hand, Gross Stadt Zigeuner [Big gypsy city] (1932) a documentary about a gypsy community living on the outskirts of Berlin. Gypsies forms-of-life, their ways of dealing with appropriation and creation of space are constant issues that put in question Modern space. We can see that in many of the cases that have been explored in the project Machines for living. Flamenco and Architecture in the Occupation and Eviction of Spaces, from the Gypsy Urbanism by Otto Neurath, until the Cité du Soleil, the utopian city designed by Georges Candilis for a Gypsy community in Avignon, France.

Roaming Assembly#23 ~ Babel/New Babylon. Forms of Education and Architecture that Exile Returns