
DAI's MA in Art Praxis study trajectory offers 4 distinctive curriculum components. All students are required to take part in all 4 of them:

1.COOP study groups

2. How To do Things With Theory = introduced below



How To Do Things With Theory (HTDTWT) is the curriculum component that offers lattitude to DAI. While theory is always and everywhere present at DAI, challenging and nurturing  all our artistic and other research activities, here, in a variety of ways, critical theory is categorically fostered.

As per November 2025 Dina A. Mohamed will take up the role of HTDTWT research curator, managing al productional and formal aspects of this curriculum component. For the academic year 2024-2025 students and tutors direct all their questions in regard to its modus operandi to her. 

HTDTWT ~ Formal Framework: 

HTDTWT formal framework HTDTWT 2024-2025 

HTDTWT ~ Curatorial Framework: