Aziza Harmel ~ Keywords: curatorial, the land and the sea, those who can not travel, community, regimes of visibility, secrecy, illness, love

Aziza Harmel (b.1985, Tunis) Is an independent curator. She was awarded her Masters of Fine Art by the Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem (DAI, 2013). Aziza worked in Documenta 14, Steirischer Herbst and more recently Kunsthalle Wien. She co-curated Qayyem a research program on curatorial knowledge, Qayyem, which roamed between Mass Alexandria (Alexandria), MMAG Foundation (Amman) and l’Atelier Kissaria (2018-2019). She also co-curated the 12th edition of Bamako Encounters: Biennale of African Photography in Mali (2019-2020). Recently she co-curated a show titled Do Nothing, Feel Everything at Kunsthalle Wien (2022) which looked into art practices that understand insanity as a common condition and as a dynamic form of knowledge with something crucial at stake—art practices that, through careful bruising, find ways to soothe and to bear.



Learn more about Aziza Harmel’s written MA thesis: The Intellectual Today Between the Contemporary Sublime and Urgency

Learn more about Aziza Harmel’s books published by DAI: They Have Thrown the Scouts in the Sea 1947–2013 &

Some years after her graduation Aziza Harmel returned to DAI performing a variety of roles: in 2020 she hosted and guest-curated DAI Week 4+5 in Tunis, she presented lectures in Tunis (Back and forth. Forth and never back. Never forth and never well as at PAF 2022 where she talked about the project Hosting Lands. In 2022 she also was as a guest respondent to the DAI's final first year's Kitchen at Centrale Fies. Since a few years Aziza Harmel is also a valued member of our Admissions Committee.

Follow Aziza's "Life after DAI" through Instagram

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