Factory Workshop ~ The Art's Room from Month to Month

Session 5: 8 & 9 March 2019

Session 5 of Factory workshop The Art's Room will be led by Pedro G. Romero who will introduce how Flamenco has developed itself as a popular modern form through diverse manifestations across the Bohemia, the avant-garde movements and counterculture. For that, Romero will share some works he has produced with Flamenco artists like Helios Gómez, Ocaña, Israel Galván, Niño de Elche, Javiera de la Fuente, Darcy Lange, etc.


16-00 -18.00: Internal work for the preparation of the presentation at Roaming Assembly # 23

19.00-21.00: Seminar with Pedro G. Romero 


9.00-13.00: Continues Seminar with Pedro G. Romero



Session 4: 8 & 9 February 2019

Session 4 of Factory workshop The Art's Room will be led by Leire Vergara who will propose to follow with the dynamics of the communal work established already at PAF and Cagliari. 


16-00 -18.00: Exercising collective sewing. We will sew together the two large textiles pieces produced at PAF and Cagliari. We will finally reinforce the final piece with the sewing machine.

19.00-21.00: Continues collective sewing and reinforcing the final piece, while the group will share the collective textual piece that has been written before the Factory session.


10.00-13.00: Documentation (slides/photography/video) of the textile piece in the land of Epen. We will transverse the borders of The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium that meet together in the fields of Epen. We will document the textile piece on site.

14.00-18.00: Commoning of ideas and pooling for the Roaming Assembly that will take place next month at The Bauhaus of Dessau

For this session, students should read the following conversation with Raoul Vaneigem:


Raoul Vaneigem is a Belgian writer and philosopher. After studying romance philology at the Free University of Brussels (now split into the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel) from 1952 to 1956, he participated in the Situationist International from 1961 to 1970. His most well-known book, The Revolution of Everyday Life, was published in 1967, the same year as fellow situationist Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle.



Session 3: 11 & 12 January 2019

Session 3 of Factory workshop The Art's Room will be led by Leire Vergara who will propose to follow with the dynamics of the communal work established already at PAF.


16-00 -18.00: Exercising collective sewing. We will continue with enlarging our collective textile piece while students will share textual pieces.

19.00-21.00: Continues collective sewing, while students share textual pieces.


10.00-13.00: Continues Exercising collective sewing, while ideas by the students for the Roaming Assembly at the Bauhaus will be shared as references.

14.00-18.00: Common Presentation of the ideas and pooling

For this session, students should bring the following items and texts:

  1. Each student should bring another large piece of fabric (minimum size 1meter x 1meter). We will be sewing the new pieces onto the large piece. So please, once again, avoid bringing anything you do not want to use, cut, sew or give away…
  2. Each student should bring a text (fragment) that connects with the idea of studying, being a student, being involved in a pedagogical context. The texts can be appropriated or written by yourselves. The texts will be all shared and will serve us to construct live readings within the assembly and complete our bibliography for the factory.
  3. Each student should think of how to organise the time of being together within the setting given to the Roaming Assembly #23, the theatre of the Bauhaus Dessau.
  4. Each student should bring a proposal for a collective action/walk inside and outside the Bauhaus School.



Session 2: 7 & 8 December 2018

Session 2 of Factory workshop The Art's Room will be led by Leire Vergara who will establish the dynamics of the communal work for this “workspace” through the activation of several exercises.


16-00 -18.00: Exercising collective machinery sewing. We will learn how to work with the sewing machine while we will share readings, historical references and individual practices and works made by the students that relate to the course. 

19.00-21.00: Continues Exercising collective machinery sewing.


10.00-13.00: Continues Exercising collective machinery sewing, while works by the students will be shared as references.

14.00-18.00: Common Presentation and pooling

For this session, students should bring the following ideas and items:


1. Each student should think of an idea for a collective textile piece to display it within the context of the Roaming Assembly #23.

2. Each student should think of how to organise the time of being together within the setting given to the Roaming Assembly #23, the theatre of the Bauhaus Dessau.

3. Each student should bring a proposal for a collective action/walk inside and outside the Bauhaus School.

The group will be divided into three smaller groups following this same structural division (textile, theatre, walk) and the ideas will be discussed among the groups trying to come up with a single proposal that later will be presented to the bigger group.

Each student should bring a large piece of fabric (minimum size 1meter x 1meter). We will be working with that piece, so please, avoid bringing anything you do not want to use, cut, sew or give away… the pieces will help us to practice with the sewing machine. The exercise proposed for this occasion will involve sewing all the pieces together.

Each student should also bring a work (or documentation of the work) that links to the topic of the factory to share it with the group. 



Pedro G. Romero: “Preparatory Notes for Poetics and Politics Among Flamenco and Modern Artists: A Paradoxical Place” Afterall, Summer 2010.

Gavin Everall: “The Game: An Interview with Michèle Bernstein, novelist and founding member of the Situationist International” Frieze, September 2013.

T’ai Smith: “Limits of the Tactile and the Optical: Bauhaus Fabric in the Frame of Photography”, Grey Room no. 25, Fall, 2006



Session 1: 9 & 10 November 2018

Session 1 of Factory workshop The Art's Room will be led by Leire Vergara who will introduce the intentions behind this “workspace” and the collective project that will be carried out in preparation for the Roaming Assembly #23. The students will be asked to present briefly their own practices in connection to their interest in the workshop in order to start to configure a common ground within this shared temporal space. The workshop will count on the participation of Spanish textile artist Teresa Lanceta Aragonés who will help us to establish a collective methodology for working during the coming sessions.

During the session, we will read and exercise with textile, drawing and words.


15-00 -18.00: General Introduction and brief presentations by the students.

19.00-21.00: Reading out loud of the text On the Poverty of Student Life: Considered in its Economic, Political, Psychological, Sexual and Particularly Intellectual Aspects and a Modest Proposal for its Remedy first published in 1966 at the University of Strasbourg by students of the University and members of the Situationist International.


10.00-13.00 Presentation by Teresa Lanceta Aragonés and introduction of the workshop led by her which will involve a series of exercises with text, drawing and textile.

14.00-18.00 continuation of the workshop with Teresa Lanceta Aragonés.

For this session, please, bring an old piece of textile or a garment that belongs to your private life or domestic sphere or any other textile piece that has arrived in your hands by different circumstances. Each student will be asked to introduce its own trajectory and the relational connection with it.