Wednesday, 4 July
9:45-17:00 Kitchen / Not The Restaurant presentations / performances by first-year students
in the presence of the ROAMING & COOP ACADEMY tutors & all students. Referee: Gabriëlle Schleijpen.
Location: Circuits & Currents, 13, Notara & Tositsa, Athens
Lunch & dinner cooked by Vegannation @ Jafra Foundation, Kallidromiou 49, Athens
9:45 Introduction
10:00 Elien Ronse
Respondents: Nick Aikens, Ruth Noack, Jorinde Seijdel and Alaa Abu Asad
10:45 Sofia Montenegro
Respondents: Bassam El Baroni, Leire Vergara, Sara Giannini and Görkem Yalım
11:30 Jasmin Schädler
Respondents: Florian Göttke, Rachel O’Reilly, Ruth Noack and Areumnari Ee
12:15 Irati Irulegui Otermin
Respondents: Leire Vergara, Sara Giannini. Rachel O’Reilly and Alaa Abu Asad
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Lukas Hoffmann
Respondents: Sara Giannini, Leire Vergara, Ruth Noack and Sanne Kabalt
14:45 Duruo Wang
Respondents: Bassam El Baroni, Ruth Noack, Rachel O’Reilly and Clementine Edwards
15:30 Ellen de Medeiros Nunes
Respondents: Leire Vergara, Sara Giannini, Ruth Noack and Ulufer Çelik
16:15 Ciarán Wood
Respondents: Bassam El Baroni, Ruth Noack, Sara Giannini and Sunghoon Kim
DAI farewell ceremony at the Strefi Hill, Emmanouil Benaki 134, Athina 114 73
Location: Tiki Bar Athens, Falirou 15, Athina 117 42
Graduation & party will be co-ordinated by Peter, Sonia, Jacq, Rik and Giorgios.