Sunday, 3 June 2018

07:30 - 09:30

Breakfast at Backpackers & Athens Studios (Fish Cafe)

10:00 - 13:00

Morning free space for student-led activities*

*deinstalling COOP SUMMIT 2018 exhibitions in arrangement with COOP study groups

10:00 - 12:00

Graduation group meeting with Nikos Doulos & Yota Ioannidou

Location: State of ConceptTousa Botsari 19, Athens 117 41

13:00 - 14:00


Communal lunch cooked by Options Foodlab

Location: State of ConceptTousa Botsari 19, Athens 117 41

14:30 - 19:30 

PLANETARY CAMPUS ~ Roaming Assembly 22

Eurasian Steps

Binna Choi, Mi YouSung Hwan Kim, Nikolay Smirnov, Pegy Zali (KERNEL), Xenia Kalpaktsoglou (The Laboratory for the Urban Common) and students of DAI

Location: State of Concept

Tousa Botsari 19, Athens 117 41

19:45 - 21:00


Communal dinner cooked by OPTIONS FOODLAB

Location: State of Concept

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