2016 - 2021 APRiCot PHASE 2 ~  Florian Göttke and David Maroto were the first PhD fellows, aligned with and supported by the DAI's programme. In 2018 and 2019 respectively they both finalized their thesis projects, in ongoing conversation with DAI. ~ APRiCot (Affiliated PhD Researchers Colloquium) was a platform initiated by DAI to support affiliated artists, curators and writers engaged in Third Cycle level research.

November 2018 David Maroto succesfully passed his viva at the University of Edinborough. He and DAI are now working towards Roaming Assembly#26 which will welcome you on Sunday December 1, 2019 in Antwerpen. More information coming soon.

Florian Göttke publicly defended his PhD research Burning Images: Performing Effigies as Political Protest on the 26th of April, 2019 and since that day he is entitled to call himself Dr. Florian Göttke. DAI and Florian are planning a Roaming Assembly around Florian's research interests in the academic year 2020-2021.