Friday, 16 February 2018

12:15 sharp

Departure coach from Oude Kraan 26, Arnhem

15:00 - 18:30 

How To Do Things With Theory - face-to-face meetings

Sven Lütticken - BB: Bronnetjeshof second floor

Hypatia Vourloumis -  BB: Bronnetjeshof Ground Floor

Bassam El Baroni - BB: De Deel

Marina Vishmidt - BB: Bronnetjeshof Ground Floor 

Rachel O'Reilly - BB: De Deel 

Round Table meetings with Gabriëlle Schleijpen ~ BB: De Deel 

18:30 - 19:30 


Communal dinner cooked by Mari Pitkänen

19:30 - 22:00

Face-to-face meetings continued

Back to DAI bulletin 6