COOP: formal framework 2024-2025
First and second year students study together.
Over the course of one academic year every DAI-student will join one out of the COOPs that have been organized for that year.
For the academic year 2024-2025 DAI offers 7 different COOP study groups. Each student commits for the duration of one year ~ and is placed in one of the seven study groups after a guided process of matchmaking which involves writing statements of intent.
First year students choose 4 COOP study groups and describe how they could see themselves relate to the proposed reseach topic of each of the selected COOPs.
Second year students choose 2 COOP study groups and describe how they could see themselves really relate to the proposed reseach topic of each the selected COOPs.
The 7 tutorial teams will be invited to read all statements that concern their COOP and asked to make a selection of students who they think could potentially benefit from, contribute to and thrive in, their specific COOP in the making.
The COOP's education leader, Philippa Driest, supported by the head of program and the study trajectory counsellor will build 7 balanced study groups, fully taking in account all relevant information provided by students and tutors.
COOP study groups = 18 ECTS
Contact hours during Confluences 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 = 25 long days which include evenings:
*Mandatory presence & participation 4 out of 5 confluences (1,2,3,4,5 = 80% of contact hours) During the confluences the student participates in one out of seven study groups .
*Mandatory presence & participation during Confluence 6 (this concerns the so-called COOP SUMMIT 2025 in Nicosia, June 2025, which counts as exam and cannot be missed out upon. COOP SUMMIT is a public presentation of collaborative work.).
Self-study hours:
*Mandatory statement of intent after introduction week.
* Substantial preparations for contributions during each Confluence.
* Substantial contribution to the Chronicles.
* Substantial contribution to the collective Final Proposal for the COOP SUMMIT.
Deadline to be announced.
* IRL presence and substantial contribution to COOP SUMMIT 2025.
Testing COOP
*Midterm formative evaluation.
*End of year: formative + summative written evaluation guided by DAI's:
Assessors: tutorial teams (2 representatives per team)+ COOP education leader + BKE certified examiner.