Appendix A (to the official Exam Regulations)

1. Praxis

A DAI graduate

* situates their praxis in the expanded field of contemporary art.

* understands the ethical, theoretical, aesthetic and methodological formation of their praxis and is able to put that understanding to work.

* sustains their praxis in complex situations and under shifting circumstances.

* engages in critical discourse and debate through their praxis.

2. Discovery 

A DAI graduate

* acquires and integrates substantial new insights concerning the form and content of their praxis.

* is open to ongoing transformation.

* handles the uncertain outcome of experimentation.

3. Realization of creative potential

A DAI graduate

* independently steers and monitors their working process and brings it to a conclusion.

* oversees their working situation and organizes a functional basis for their praxis, achieving a good balance between "poetry" and "economy".

* produces work that does justice to their personal insights and views but also, when relevant, to those of other parties.

4. Presentation and communication

A DAI graduate

* claims and articulates their position within the expanded field of contemporary art and reflects on it before peers, professionals and the public.

* makes their work public through various means and effectively negotiates the output with relevant parties.

5. Research and contextualization

A DAI graduate

* conducts independent research as, or in relation to, their praxis.

* adopts or develops methods for their research.

* researches and relates to contemporary urgencies.

 *analyzes, expresses, and communicates their findings in a thorough way.

* situates themselves in ongoing theoretical discourse and substantiates their work in response to other voices.

6. Critical analysis and reflection

A DAI graduate

* analyzes, and reflects on their own work and that of others.

* understands the variety of impacts their work can make in different contexts.  

* critically reflects on choices made while researching and developing work.

* reacts in an open and receptive manner to the criticism of different professional parties.

* shows generosity when providing critique to peers and colleagues.

7. Collaboration

A DAI graduate

* recognizes the interconnectedness between their work and that of colleagues in the same and other disciplines.

* collaborates in projects that are building upon shared rather than individually conceived plans, showing empathy and respect for the different roles, responsibilities and areas of interest of the parties involved.

* commits to the uncertain outcomes of collaborative processes.

* values the interdependent nature of any practice. 

8. Transcultural awareness and skills

A DAI graduate

* recognizes and attends to a spectrum of interpersonal tensions in a transcultural context with empathy and responsibility.

* contributes to interdisciplinary, transcultural and/or transnational communities and contexts.

* continues to educate themselves in order to function in the pluriverse.


Building on the work of previous students and tutors the wording of DAI's final qualifications is reviewed once per year, and updated if necessary. A representative group of students and tutors is involved in this process. This version was updated in March, 2024 following a work session at PAF in St.Erme.