Pedro G. Romero

Pedro G. Romero (Aracena, 1964) has been working as an artist since 1985. He is currently working on two large apparatuses Archivo F.X. and Máquina P.H. Romero is a member of unia arteypensamiento and PRPC (Plataforma de Reflexión de Políticas Culturales), Seville. He curates the project Tratado de Paz for DSS2016 Cultural Capital. Projects presented by Archivo F.X. include La Comunidad vacía. Política for Fundació Antoni Tàpies (Barcelona) and Economía Picasso/Economía for Museo Picasso (Barcelona). His work has recently unfolded with La Escuela Moderna for the 31st Sao Paolo Biennial. Wirtschaft, Ökonomie, Komjunktur was recently published by Spector Books, Germany, after a project exhibited at Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. Máquina P.H. supports the Plataforma Independiente de Estudios Flamencos Modernos y Contemporáneos. Romero is art director for bailaor Israel Galván and collaborates with different artists, from Rocío Márquez to Tomás de Perrate, for example. He curated Ocaña. Acciones, actuaciones, activismo 1973-1983 for the Virreina, Barcelona, and Centro de Arte Montehermoso, Vitoria. Mudito have just published his Exaltación de la visión on the films of José Val del Omar.

Pedro G. Romero is currently working on Máquinas de Vivir. El flamenco y la arquitectura en la ocupación y desocupación de espacios, a project which has been presented at the Berlin Biennale; CGAC, Santiago de Compostela; unía arteypensamiento, Seville; Cristinaenea de Donostia, MACBA, Barcelona, and Viena Secession.


 2016-2017 Curating Positions class.

2019 ~ Sunday March 10 in Dessau: Roaming Assembly#23 ~ Babel/New Babylon. Forms of Education and Architecture that Exile Returns ~ convened by Leire Vergara and Pedro G.Romero