27Jan: Rebecca Sakoun and Florian Göttke show their video "Collecting in the Collection: 46 Inuit artifacts in the Ethnological Museum from Franz Boas’s 1883-4 Baffin Island expedition" at the film festival Nordlichter: Kino polar

| tag: Hamburg

Friday 27. Januar
18:oo  | Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg

-Collecting in the Collection: 46 Inuit artifacts in the Berlin Ethnological Museum from Franz Boas’s 1883-4 Baffin Island expedition
Rebecca Sakoun und Florian Göttke (NL/USA/DE 2015, engl. Originalfassung, 22 Min.) 

-Inuit Piqutingit (What Belongs to Inuit) Zacharias Kunuk und Bernadette Dean (KAN/USA 2009, engl. Originalfassung, 49 Min.)

Afterwards there will be a conversation between Florian Göttke ( artist and researcher, Dutch Art Institute), Rebecca Sakoun (ethnologist, sociologist, photographer and staff member Dutch Art Institute) and Jana Caroline Reimer (Ethnologist, Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg).
