Another Place, My Life ~ new works from Het Vijfde Seizoen. With: among others, Lado Darakhvelidze (DAI, 2010 ) and Doris Denekamp (DAI, 2011). Where: Casco, Fotodok.
Another Place, My Life, is a guest exhibition taking place at Casco over the summer; from 9 July - 21 August 2016.
Another Place, My Life will feature work by Anne Daems, Lado Darakhvelidze, Doris Denekamp & Geert van Mil, Voebe de Gruyter, Domenico Mangano & Marieke van Rooy and Jantine Wijnja made in close interaction with the patients and staff of Altrecht psychiatric institution. The exhibition is organized by Het Vijfde Seizoen, a residency program that offers artists the possibility of living and working in Atrecht for a season.
So close and invisible at the same time: study by NEMESIS ('GGZ in tabellen' Mental healtcare in tables Trimbos-Instituut) show that nearly half (42,7%) of the Dutch are confronted with mental illness. For treatment some people stay temporarily in a psychiatric institution. What is that like? Views and observations of artists on this are shown in the exhibition Another Place, My Life.
The works of art in Another Place, My Life are the result of intensive observation and interaction with patients and staff of the psychiatric institution Altrecht in Utrecht. Since 1998 Altrecht gives with the residency Het Vijfde Seizoen space for professional artists to create new work. For three months artists live and work in the studio house of Het Vijfde Seizoen which is in Den Dolder on the institution grounds. The works in Another Place, My Life arose through a close reading of psychiatry and are therefore unique interpretations of the sometimes so unkown life in the institution.
Several works zoom into the institution premises or the history of the grounds. Domenico Mangano and Marieke van Rooy investigated the infamous affair Dennendal from the seventies and Jantine Wijnja made a guide to a psychiatric institution. Other artists discuss the meaning of 'home' in psychiatry. The results are an artistic interpretation of life in an institution and demonstrate the mental en physical space of people with mental illness.
Visit the exhibition Another Place, My Life in:
Casco/FOTODOK: Lange Nieuwstraat 7, Utrecht
Wednesday till Sunday from 12:00 - 18:00.