Today, March 8: International Women's Day ~ DAI in solidarity with women's struggles all over the world~ Rojava / Patti Smith

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"Syria can seem an endless black hole of misery, but in the northern, largely Kurdish region of Rojava, it is also the scene of a profoundly democratic and humanist revolution, which places the rights of ethnic minorities and women's liberation at its centre". Read the rest of the article in Truth-Out  and for ongoing updates on Rojava in English, on twitter and elsewhere David Graeber (introduction in the Guardian ) is helpful.

Meanwhile, from Amsterdam, musing on "March 8, 2016" Nicole Beutler sends us a quote: 


People have the power
The power to dream to rule
To wrestle the earth from fools
It’s decreed the people rule
It’s decreed the people rule
Listen. I believe everything we dream
Can come to pass through our union
We can turn the world around
We can turn the earth’s revolution

Read Nicole Beutler's March 8 Performance Platform Letter here