Ingeborg Entrop (DAI, 2012) premieres Fugue in D (Liberated Silence), a performance of a book at Kunstruimte Galerie Block C.

| tag: Groningen

poster by Hansje van Halem


Dear all,

Finally, a wish come true! It is with great pleasure to announce to you the world premiere of Fuga in D, based on the book made during my DAI-period: Fugue in D (Liberated Silence). Please be welcome at the performance or the exhibition, either personally or mentally!

best wishes,


Kunstruimte Galerie Block C
Ingeborg Entrop
Fugue in D

March 21 - April 25, Friday and Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm

Fugue in D is a performance of a book. The book describes a journey to the most silent place in the Netherlands and it is designed as a musical score. Scores are meant to be performed, so this one as well. During the exhibition period the piece will be played twice: at March the 21st (Nyepi / "Day of Silence") and April the 4th (Holy Saturday; in Dutch: Stille Zaterdag). On the other exhibition days the score will be shown together with performance notes and pictures. In that way, moments of prescription, performance and description will continuously chase each other. Like the melodies in a fugue.

Every performance starts at 2:30 pm and ends at around 5 pm. You are kindly invited to join the complete journey or just a part of it. Did you take pictures during the journey? These could become part of the exhibition. Please send them to

Galerie Block C is initiated by Marinus Augustijn and Agnes Scholte
Westerhavenstraat 14a Groningen
open Friday and Saturday 1 pm - 5 pm
or by appointment 0503132418 / 0641282015