"Videozoom: Kurdistan Iraq - Small things that matter more" curated by Rebeen Hamarafiq for the Museo di Roma in Trastevere from March 18, 2015. With the participation of, among other artists, Avan Omar (DAI,2016)

| tag: Rome

The first view in Italy of a new generation of contemporary Kurdish-Irachi video artists: Gaylan Abdullah, Sherko Abdulrazaq, Sherwan Can, Sherwan Fateh, Rebeen Hamarafiq, Poshya Kakil, Rozhgar Mustafa and Avan Omar.

Sala 1 - Centro Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea
Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, 10 - 00185 - Roma

Tel. 06 7008691 - 339 2397762

E-mail: salauno@salauno.com - sala_u@hotmail.com

Website: www.salauno.com

Fb: Sala 1 - Centro Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea