Monday February 23 at 20:00 ~ Lecture by Mohammad Salemy: Invited by Bassam El Baroni in the context of his seminar Before Art: the problem of abstraction and its contradiction.

tag: Arnhem

Location: DAI's auditorium, Kortestraat 27, Arnhem

Notes Towards a General Theory of Surface or How Art Might Survive Contemporary Art.  

What happens when the essence of art is reoriented away from the knowledge of seeing, to the science of showing? This paper juxtaposes Wilfrid Sellars' concepts of the manifest and scientific image against the dominant praxes and functions of the work of art in order to propose a protocol for downgrading contemporary art's proclamations about its social, historical, epistemological, and ontological significance in the age of mass cybernetics.

About Mohammad Salemy

About Bassam El Baroni's seminar in the context of our course How To Do Things With Theory