World Biennial Forum No 2: How to make Biennials in Contemporary Times ~ directed by: Charles Esche, Galit Eilat, Nuria Enguita Mayo, Pablo Lafuente, Luiza Proença, Oren Sagiv, and Benjamin Seroussi.

| tag: São Paulo


26-30 November, 2014

Auditório Ibirapuera, São Paulo, Brazil

World Biennial Forum No 2 will look at the biennial from the point of view of the southern hemisphere. It will concentrate above all on recent biennials in what has come to be termed the 'Global South', occasionally taking a broader perspective to investigate how we have arrived here.
Keynote Speech: Peter Osborne
Contemporaneity and the Biennial Form
Speakers: Ivo Mesquita, Martin Grossmann, Lucy Steeds, Anthony Gardner, Fernando Oliva, Moacir dos Anjos, Reem Fadda, Marina Fokidis, Daniela Castro, Ana Paula Cohen, Anne Szefer Karlsen, David Teh, Manuela Moscoso, Ana Magalhães, Övül Durmusoglu, Elvira Dyangani Ose, and Cayo Honorato.

Free entrance
Opening: November, 26
Discussions/Workshops: November 27 and 28
Optional Program: November 29 and 30
An initiative by Biennial Foundation

Organized by:
Biennial Foundation
Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
ICCo – Instituto de Cultura Contemporânea
Hosted by the 31st Bienal de São Paulo