San Serriffe: launch of MULIER SACER, a new book by Jimini HIgnett (DAI 2010), designed by Anna Haas (Werkplaats Typografie 2010)

| tag: Amsterdam

MULIER SACER, will be launched on Thursday 16th of January at 20hrs (doors open at 19.30).
At San Serriffe Bookshop - St. Annenstraat 30, Amsterdam (only 5 minutes from Amsterdam CS).
Presentation with contributions from Jimini Hignett and Markha Valenta.

"As an inhabitant of this city, which generates such a large proportion of its income through the prostitution industry, the issue is one I feel compelled to tackle with my work, but I struggle to find a way to approach it as an artistic project... so many feminist controversies, so many complexities ­ I am wary of the battleground. How to make art from something this desolate, this vulnerable?"

In Mulier Sacer Jimini Hignett juxtaposes the fragile stories and photographs of women who have escaped from forced prostitution in the Netherlands with other pieces of writing – an essay about the uneasy relationship between prostitution and feminism by Professor Maggie O'Neill, a selection of blog entries by an ex-prostitute turned abolitionist, an interview with a sociologist who procures sex-workers for her handicapped clients, and a proposed change in Dutch legislation by a crown prosecutor specialising in human trafficking.

Earlier Jimini Hignett and Anna Haas have collaborated on The Detroit Diary, a 2010 DAI-publication